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Vocal Mayhem


Engine: Unity

Platform: PC

Time: Jan 26th - 28th 2018

Project: Vocal Mayhem

The Pitch: Scream your heart out in this 2d platformer using your voice to fight your inner demons to find your inner peace.

During the 2018 Global Game Jam, I joined the Vocal Mayhem game which due to our exhausted state was posted on the GGJ website as Verbal Mayhem. Over the weekend we made a 2d platformer that players could control by yelling at the computer screen. For example: yelling "FREEZE!" would pause the game and yelling "UNFREEZE" would resume the game. Similarly, you could yell at an elevator to "Ascend" and your player character to "Jump!". We found that the game had an easier time recognizing longer words, and for a game made in 48 hours, I'm amazed by the results.

Responsibilities: I worked mainly on the functionality surrounding the voice commands, meaning our other programmers worked on the voice recognition while I worked on what happened when the game heard the player say Freeze or Jump and so on. I was also responsible for creating the character animator from the sprite sheets our artist created and making a user interface for the game. It became more and more stressful to fix all the bugs and get everything we wanted into the game given the 48 hour time limit and lack of sleep, but in the final minutes we pulled through and had a fun time watching people playtest the game.

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