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Florida Man


Engine: Unity

Platform: PC

Time: Aug 2017 - May 2018

Project: Florida Man

Core Experience: Explore a suburban town through the twisted perception of Florida Man, causing discomfort and mayhem along the way in an effort to gain infamy through wacky newspaper headlines.

Responsibilities: While developing Florida Man, I worked on many features in the game including: Animation Controllers, Eating, Punching, Burping, and Picking up objects. Adding movement and achievement systems were particularly challenging. I prototyped several options such as nav mesh agents, adding force, and simply translating the character in the direction he was looking, all while working on a desired camera functionality. The achievement system needed to display an achievement in the form of a newspaper headline and allow the user to check their progress from a menu, this feature then lead to a timer and speed running by playtesters.


Working on this game taught me how to use agile development as well as many new features of Unity such as animation layers, setting up controller-based character movement, and much more. Starting out in TortoiseSVN, we needed a more reliable file sharing option, so we switched to GitHub which was yet another learning experience where I would still like to improve my skills. Towards the end of the year the game was starting to look pretty good and the speed of our level design and prototyping got quite an upgrade when we found out that levels created in Roblox could be imported into Unity. Seeing as the creator of Apocalypse Rising and soon there after Apocalypse Rising 2 was on our team, we were able to create the remainder of our map in time for the end of semester event wherein people would come by and listen to a presentation on the game design program and get to do some playtesting of the games made that year.

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