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          I am a gameplay programmer and web developer with experience in a variety of software and game development tools. My areas of expertise when it comes to telling a story through narrative means is in the designing and implementation of level designs to match player quests as well as the character development of the NPCs surrounding the quests. I have taken classes in computer science as well as web development and visual communications, to improve my communication skills with professionals in a wide variety of disciplines.

          In my level design course at DSU, I created dungeons in the Skyrim Creation Kit. My dungeon creation project was an ice cave the player could enter from the side of a snowy mountain in the Skyrim world. The story I created for that dungeon was based on the idea that the residents of the cave were trapped within by an avalanche and bandits are currently trying to steal the treasures of the cave before you. There are notes scattered around the cave where the player can read a story of the trapped residents and how they died.

Sample WorldBible

Attached is the Narrative Bible I wrote for a world known as Zinin.

One-Line Description:

You are a caveman at the end of the ice age, the dinosaurs are nearly extinct, and you are the first of a new link in the human genome, Homo sapiens. Craft increasingly advanced technology, as you work your way from discovering the wonders of fire to the wonders of air travel.

Sample Branching Dialogue

Attached is an example of the branching dialogue from the player's first quest in Zinin.

Sample Character Design

Attached is an example of Character-Design from Zinin's protagonist, Crazzo.

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