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Stormy Skies


Engine: Unity

Platform: Mobile
Time: Spring 2017

Project: Stormy Skies

Core Experience: Using accelerometer controls, guide a raindrop down a windshield, merge with your fellow raindrops, and try to reach the bottom before the windshield wiper comes back.

Responsibilities: I developed many of the features and even found a way to test them in real-time by connecting my android device to my computer with the Unity Remote app. Using Android’s accelerometer controls we could control which direction the raindrop fell when the player tilted their phone, colliders could tell us when the player collected another raindrop or hit an obstacle, and touch controls allowed the player to pause, mute, and restart the game. Following this project, the game was mentioned many times when promoting the game design program from a local research expo to an event where middle schoolers are exposed to computer related carriers. The game is currently available to download on


A secondary theme or "DLC" was also made and not included in the base game about raining tacos to some appropriate and funny background music "Raining Tacos" by Parry Gripp.

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